Finding my way

My mental health has not been good as of late. I am just going to come right out and say it right now. To be honest, I feel like I say this a lot but the last few weeks has been a real eye opener for me.

I have realised the importance of self-care and I am now on a journey to make changes in my life that will directly impact my mental health and I would love for you to come on the journey with me.

One of the biggest things I have noticed is how a lot of people relate their anxiety back to clutter, whether it be in their daily lifestyle or in their mind. If you’re a parent then I don’t need to remind you that more toys = more crap to pick up. I am not sure I could live a ‘minimalist’ lifestyle but I definitely need to stop buying shit and am so guilty of keeping things unintentionally like old make up, clothes, shoes etc. So, I am on a mission. To de-clutter my life and my mind. I’ve been doing a tonne of research and can’t wait to start sharing it all.

I have poor routine and poor sleep, all of which directly affects my mental health. I use things like social media which link back to depression – social media, media in general and online bullies. I plan to tie in regular periods of ‘offline’ time to be more present with my family and friends while also striking a balance because my full-time job revolves around social media and of course, its where this amazing community of people are.

I am not putting a time frame on this but I am getting cracking start away. I am already putting small things in place and am noticing a change so it gives me hope that I can do this.

How can minimalism help a mama out? From reading many different articles, it seems many mothers are turning to minimalism to reduce their stress and anxiety.

Minimalism is the processing of simplifying yourself so that you can stop spending your time, energy and emotions on non-essential parts of your life.

Sounds easy right? It’s not. It’s a process, but one I believe will work.

Comment below if you’re keen to come along for the ride to reinventing yourself.


  1. Kerrie July 22, 2019 / 3:37 am

    It’s like you are in my head lol. I’m definitely keen.

    • jessbovey
      July 22, 2019 / 7:26 am

      Haha, maybe I am? 😛 yay! I am glad you will join me.

  2. Katherine July 22, 2019 / 3:38 am

    YES! I’m joining you! Can’t wait to hear your plans!!

    • jessbovey
      July 22, 2019 / 7:26 am

      Woohoo! I am so glad people want to take part, support in numbers!

  3. Raylene July 22, 2019 / 6:52 am

    I will join you in your journey. I will hold your hand. I have my own demons that have reappeared since giving birth. My need for control. My need to be thin. The weight gain during pregnancy has really reaked havoc in my mind. It’s not as simple as I want to loose weight. My mum my soul my rock my best friend has alziemhers I’m alone without her and having strict control over my weight is the only sense of control I have. It’s how I’ve coped with her illness alone. Now that I feel fat and disgusting it’s like everything has fallen over. I will join you in the self health ideology however I’m the epitome of clutter I will not part with my shoe addiction

  4. Rebecca July 22, 2019 / 7:55 am

    I need to be tidy and organised otherwise it feels too crazy. Keen to follow your journey

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