To the mum tapping her brakes at the lights, we’ve all been there.
To the mum struggling to carry her newborn while her toddler is having a tantrum, I feel for you.
To the mum rocking her shopping trolley while the person in front faffs about with no regard or awareness that your baby is about to go from 0-100 REAL quick.
To the mum feeding her baby in the cafe while her own meal goes cold, I don’t remember the last time I ate a full meal – uninterrupted. You’re a good mum and your child will one day thank you (maybe).
To the mum who hasn’t washed her hair in over a week, you rock that mum-bun.
To the mum persevering through the pain of breastfeeding in order to prove a point or to keep others happy, do what’s best for you. A happy mum is more useless than a broken one.
To the mum who isn’t sure if that stain on her pants is food or fecal matter, you rock on.
To the mum who’s stuck on the couch under a sleeping baby while your phone is out of reach, I feel you sister.
To the mum stuck in the car with a sleeping baby/toddler not knowing whether to risk the dreaded transition. Stay there, get your phone out and relax.
To the mum swaying side to side in the coffee line, I still do it 18 months on. I don’t think it ever stops.
To the mum reading this while gritting their teeth because there child won’t go to sleep – breeeeeathe.
To the mum hiding in the bathroom crying so she can get one moment’s peace, we’ve been there.
To the mum scared to feed their child formula because of fear of judgement, just do it. Happy mum = happy baby.
We’re in this together mamas! I salute you! Sometimes we just need to take a deep breath and realise this parenting gig is a tough one. We’re not alone and that there are SO many mums experiencing the same things as us each and every day but very few will openly admit it.
If you see a mama out in public, struggling, who could do with a helping hand or a hug. Reach out, you could make her day. You could be that one adult conversation she has been craving for all day.
You’re doing an amazing job, don’t question yourself mama. You’re doing just fine x
Great honest post! I would love to add that some mothers do need to persevere with breastfeeding as there is pressure to continue and to stop. Its all about how you and your baby feels. I gave up at 4 months with my first child after ALOT of pressure to formula feed. I regret it massively, but went on to breast feed my 2nd for 22 months I ignored all pressure from both sides including from myself. x
Here, here! Love it xx