Squad down, I repeat, squad down.

In one of my recent posts I made a big hoo-hah about the fact it’s a new year but ya’ll are gonna get the same old me and that I wasn’t going to make ridiculous goals that I know I have zero intention of fulfilling.

Instead, I am embracing all the changes coming this year and since turning 30, I can’t hide it anymore, I really am an adult and I am starting to get old. Things that never used to matter to me are now front of mind.

  • My health is more important than ever because I have 1 (soon to be 2) little people fully reliant on me.
  • We’re about to put an offer in on a house so our finances are extremely topical right now and I am learning so many things I never even knew.
  • I have always been a terrible saver. If I have money, I spend it. I am so thankful I joined KiwiSaver early as that helped me a lot when it came to my deposit.
  • I’ve gone through life working my butt off but never doing a lot to actually protect myself should anything happen.

With my 30th birthday been and gone, it’s got me thinking about putting a will in place. Some of these are things I don’t even want to think about but I need to, not only myself, but for my family.

As you would have seen from my last post with Warehouse Money, we’ve been doing a bit of work together and I have to say, sponsored or not, this whole collaboration has taught me a lot about insurance, different types of cover and why it is so important.

My latest learning is about Health Insurance. I have never really put a lot of thought into until becoming a parent. Like my previous post touched on, I’ve always had the attitude “I won’t ever need it” and “I can better spend the money elsewhere”. I’ve always been in generally good health so have luckily never needed it.

I’m pretty careful person, yeah, I am clumsy as heck at the best of times and am yet to break any bones or do any serious damage (touch wood).

Sitting here pondering why we mums need health insurance and I have come up with a few reasons:

  • As I mentioned earlier, I’m not a great saver so coming up with a large sum of money at a moment’s notice can be hard (especially because we are soon to be paying a large Wellington mortgage)
  • When Reuben catches a cold and thinks he’s dying (man flu, boohoo). (Doctors visits and prescription costs add up significantly over the year for a family of three – soon to be four!).
  • Parent accommodation cover – just in case one of the kids needs to go into hospital and we need somewhere to stay (If my child gets sick, I worry like crazy and want to ensure the best care for him – so knowing that I have private health insurance means we can jump the public health care queues
  • Non-surgical hospitalization – for things like asthma or specialist appointments (which can be crazy expensive).
  • Typical kid stuff like grommets and tonsillitis.

Even better? If you purchase before you have your baby, they’re covered for anything that may arise pre/post birth.

Since becoming a Mum to Baxter and with his sister arriving in April I don’t just have myself to worry about anymore. Of course, I still have to worry about myself, for their sake but I also need to ensure that they are covered in the case of accident or illness.

If something happened to me, what would happen to the kids? Reuben stays home with Baxter and I am the one working. Could they manage without me? And then, what if Reuben got sick?

Warehouse Money has partnered with nib to bring you different types of cover to suit your needs. There are three great plans available: Everyday for Everyone cover, Hospital cover, Hospital and Specialist cover.

The thing I love most about the Warehouse Money approach is that is clear and simple with exactly what cover you’re getting. They’re on a mission to make things easy for us Kiwi’s when it comes to offering great value financial products and services.

We’re looking at the Hospital Cover policy, a slightly more premium product that covers a lot for the average kiwi family (like us). From only $2.29 a week per person, that’s less than the average cup of coffee! This cover is great if you require private hospital treatment so you can quickly get back to doing the things you love. What else does it cover? Surgery, Cancer Treatments, Oral Surgery, Specialist Consults and much more. Have a look at what policy is right for you over at www.warehousemoney.co.nz

Obviously, each person has individual needs and can pick the cover that best suits them. I just love that it’s made so transparent and tells me exactly what I am getting, in a simple way that I can understand and make an informed decision from AKA I can do it all online.

So thanks Warehouse Money, for making insurance easy to understand, good value and easily accessible for all New Zealander’s.

I am keen to know what changes you’re making/have made in regards to your life/health since becoming a parent? Did things change dramatically or were you just more organised than me? Do you see insurance as a priority and a must have?

If you’re stuck and are not sure where to start, jump onto www.warehousemoney.co.nz and get a quote.


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