Surviving the first few weeks with a newborn

I thought I was totally prepared. The nursery was complete, and I was mentally ready. Oh boy was I wrong. For starters, the baby was in our room anyway so the nursery didn’t matter a bit in those early days and I finally started to understand why everybody told me to ‘sleep while you can’ when I was pregnant.

Everybody’s experiences are different so don’t take this as gospel, this post is based off my own personal experience and tips that I think would have been helpful for me to have known going into this whole parenting thing blind.

For me, the first 24 hours was a blur. Honestly, I was so scared leaving the hospital with this new little baby who was completely dependant on me. When Reuben and I got in the car at the hospital car park (away from both of our parents), I burst into tears. I was emotionally and physically drained + shit scared about what was to come. I haven’t been around a lot of babies so can honestly say, I had NO idea what I was doing.

I’ve broken this down into bite size tips and know I would have most likely forgotten key things so feel free to add tips in to the comments:

  • Accept all offers of help – this is one thing I didn’t do. I’m all Beyoncé, Independent Woman and I was absolutely fucked after a few sleepless days/nights. Accept offers of meals, breaks for you to shower etc.
  • Sleep when baby sleeps – actually, or it’s likely you’ll never sleep again. If you can’t sleep, at least lay down and rest, don’t worry about everything else you have to do (at least in those early days).
  • Have plenty of maternity pads on hand; steal the hospital ones if you can (they resemble a super king mattress). You will bleed, a lot, sometimes up to 6 weeks +, also invest in some Hypercal lotion for your lady bits if you have a natural delivery. I talked more on Hospital Bag Essentials here.
  • Don’t forget to take your pain meds if given some, I was terrible and in a tired haze I’d forget and have instant regret.
  • It’s totally normal to cry in those early days. If it wasn’t my partner, or me, it was the baby.
  • Confide in a friend/family member or midwife (if not your partner) about how your feeling and doing, make sure you know the early signs of postpartum depression and if you feel like things are getting too much – seek help. It’s normal and more common than you think. I wrote about my experience here.
  • Try shower everyday, even chuck on some BB cream, it would make me feel (and look) so much better. It is so easy to live in track pants, but not looking after yourself is a quick way to start feeling down.
  • Learn that its OK to say no to visitors in the early days – while you’re super excited to show off your new baby, they’re more prone to picking up bugs in those early days plus you’re still learning. I was still trying to find my feet with Breastfeeding and attempting to do it with an audience was the last thing I wanted.
  • Be prepared for an emotional roller coaster – more so than when preggers. I would cry for no reason, other days I was on top of the world. Hormones be cray, it’s normal.
  • Trust in your midwife – they are a hive of support and information. Don’t be afraid to ask them (or your GP) questions. It’s their job and I’m sure they’ve heard it all (and worse) before.
  • Pre-prep meals – I lived on easy things like toast/soup/pastas etc for the first few days. Accept the offer of meals and have them in the freezer ready for when you get home. It’s one less thing you need to think about.
  • Don’t feel as though you’re a burden to other people because you aren’t. I thought I could do it all myself and quickly learnt this was not the case.
  • Expect nothing – leave your expectations behind. Baby is going to do what it wants to do and no book or advice is going to change the way he/she is.
  • Drop your standards a little – this was hard for me. I tried to maintain a spotless house knowing visitors would come over while trying to find my feet as a new mum. It’s OK to not have vacuumed, nobody is judging you – plus, it’ll give your visitors something to do, haha.
  • Remember it will get better – the hard times WILL pass. While it might be super tough now, it’s going to be so rewarding soon. From weeks 6-12 you start seeing more interaction and it gets more exciting from then on.
  • Get somebody to show you how to bathe baby if you’re not sure – we had no idea and quickly realised this when it came to giving him his first bath. We’re total pros now.
  • Don’t be alarmed by weird sounds – it’s all part of it, I often felt like I had a small pig sleeping in the bassinet next to my bed.
  • Establish a routine early – this worked so well for us. For the first few days while we found our feet we just worked around baby and their cues. Once we introduced a routine, it made all of our lives easier and is still successful 10 months on.
  • Introduce a bottle – I know this one will get some disagreement. I gave Baxter some expressed breast milk in a bottle early on to get him familiar with the bottle in case we ever needed it. He was able to go between the boob and the bottle with no fuss and it made our lives easier moving forward. It also meant I could take a break every now and then and that Dad could do the night feed.
  • Dream feed – we always gave Baxter a feed late at night, which ensured he was full for longer and meant we could get that little bit more sleep.
  • Put baby in their bed when showing tired signs – this way they learn to fall asleep on their own and associate bed with sleep time. This was SO beneficial for us. Sounds easy, but it really was. Rubbing eyes, yawning? Put them in bed.
  • Be calm – I was a big ball of stress and anxiety the first few weeks and Baxter picked up on this, as soon as I learnt to chill a bit, things became a lot easier and manageable.

So there we have it, a few tips to help you maintain some sort of sanity in those first few days/weeks. For a lot of us new mums it can be a daunting time, but with a bit of support and knowledge it can be a not so difficult time.

Keep in mind, it’s been over 10 months since I had a newborn so I would have definitely left some things out. Add your tips below and I’ll edit the list!

Most importantly, try and enjoy it. The days goes surprisingly fast and they’re only small for a short period of time.



  1. thefruitlessbaker July 8, 2016 / 12:15 am

    Great blog!! Highly agree with everything on your list – the only thing I would add is – Don’t be worried if you don’t feel that “insane bond” straight away. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it takes a bit longer – if you don’t feel it straight away it wont take long before that little sucker is pulling at your heartstrings!

    • newmumclub July 13, 2016 / 12:03 am

      SO much yes. I’ve had this addition from a few people and I think it’s a really important one so thanks for adding it! There is so much pressure on us as mums and its really reassuring to hear things like this as it makes us feel a bit more normal if things don’t happen like people make out they ‘should’. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment! x

  2. Teagan July 10, 2016 / 9:03 am

    So true Jess, best thing we did was remained calm from pregnancy until now (13 weeks). We have never worried about routine or read a book as I believe every baby is different.She has developed her own routine and it’s great. However I did have some influence during the day – night times she decided 6pm she wants to sleep so that’s fine with me

    Another thing is advice from people, take it, try it if it doesn’t work, don’t worry same as reading books on what your baby should or shouldn’t be doing. Again I have never read a book, however know people who panic if their baby is at a certain age and not doing something their book says they should, babies develop at different stages. If you are happy and baby is happy that’s the best. And also spare time for your self, get out there enjoy 10 mins fresh air, I did from day 1. That’s how I have remained sane and calm. I’ve also had the best help around me. 👍🏻 love your blogs so true and honest x

    • newmumclub July 13, 2016 / 12:02 am

      Being calm and relaxed makes everything so much better, for you and for baby. I was so anxious in the early days and it really made everything so much harder. Love your advice and feedback. Glad you enjoy the blog! Thank you so much xx

  3. godmuff June 11, 2017 / 5:13 am

    If you can while in birthcare or hospital
    Ask to be shown how to use a breast pump and give it a go.
    Also pack lanolin cream for your nips! If baby’s latch isn’t correct you’ll need it!

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